John, I asked BY once about making a lighthouse tender, one of the old steam powered ones. Believe it was on a chat once when Bill was on-line with Paul at the Midwest HL Museum. His answer was, no, that they'd probably never make one of those. No reason was given, maybe because he thought it wouldn't sell? I still think one of them would relate really well to the lighthouses, as most of our lighthouses are like really old. Lighthouses were visited by these old tenders "then" a whole lot more than they are visited "now" by modern CG vessels.

Rick, on your question of scale it seems that HL's have generally come in three sizes.

1. Normal

2. Smaller than normal

3. Larger than normal.

There was one year they were generally smaller than they had been. Some folks liked them (Hi Rock! wink ), some did not, said they looked like GLOWS.

So then, the next year maybe?, they were larger than average. Some folks liked those better, others did not. Said they took up too much space.

Maybe the examples you've quoted are a comparison of the smaller year's models with the following year(s)' models?

I agree that a more or less standard size would be best and prefer it to be smaller rather than larger. One of the main reasons cited by folks who quit collecting, or collect less, is that they simply run out of room.