A piece of America's nautical history sold today on ebay for $126,100.

There was some furious bidding as the hours ticked down. As of early today, the high bid was $41,000 based on a bid placed 3 days ago by okie9948@aol.com.


[*]10:01 AM sextantcapital upped the ante with a bid that would hold up to $81,500.

[*]12:34 PM aquapoise bid $85,200

[*]12:41 PM weatherdeck.com who had bid ealier tested the high bid of aquapoise but his bid of $82,200 didn't exceed.

[*]13:35 PM designkkg123 placed a high bid of $126,100, but for about half an hour, it looked like he would win it at $85,300

[*]13:58 PM with just a minute to go, terranceo who had been a high bidder a few days ago tested how high designkkg123 had gone. terranceo tested it all the way up to $126,000 -- at which point he decided not to go higher. His 'testing' ended up raising the price for designkkg123 by about $41,000 -- from $85,300 to $126,100. No telling how high a bid designkkg123 had actually placed - something in excess of $126,100, certainly.

No telling who this successful bidder is, perhaps we'll learn more. I have no knowledge of how much money it would take to move, repair and restore the Nantucket -- or whether as scrap it could be worth $126,100. But it sure would be a shame to see Nantucket I be scrapped.

[This message has been edited by JChidester (edited 03-25-2000).]