I think the whole styrofoam discussion boils down to this and that is there is no right or wrong and only personal opinions or reasons:

If you think you may, or plan on selling sometime in the future, then by all means save the styrofoam. If you have the room, or want to pay for storage, then by all means also save the styrofoam.

If you know for sure that you won't be selling, or have no plans on selling, then saving the styrofoam is optional. If you don't have the room, and don't want to pay for storage, then there is no reason to save the styrofoam.

I fall into the 2nd catagory and do not save the styrofoam. I intend on paying back my kids for their teenage years by letting them figure out what to do with my collection and how to package it up should they decide to sell it. Who says that payback isn't sweet?
