I first learned about HL in a doll shop in PA. about a year and a half or two years ago(had no idea what would happen later). I had never collected anything before but always loved lighthouses since I've grown up 5 miles from Cape Henry light and spent alot of my teenage years around Cape Hatteras, Currituck and Bodie Island. I've just always been fascinated by the roles that these beacons have played, the history and hardships behind each and every one. For some strange reason I didn't buy any that day it wasn't until November of 1998 when oddly I recieved a catalog from Lighthouse Depot and saw them again that I bought my first. It was Cape Hatteras (GLOW). My collection started off slow, I still didn't know that I could drive up the road and buy them. Then my wife found some lighthouses in a local store, man what a dissapointment,they were Leftons. While Christmas shopping I walked the mall and found Harbour Lights in an Ingle's Nook. The rest is obvious. Since Christmas I'v e purchased 23 LE's, all but one are retired. One of which I'm proud to say is Jupiter, all of which are proudly displayed in my living room. Needless to say that some day I will own all of them. I really look forward to the day when I do....I think.

[This message has been edited by LuvLights2 (edited 04-13-99).]