I am a new collector and want to share my story with someone who can relate.

My department at a state educational institution has been charged to further development at a botantical garden. Create economic productivity through tourism and promote the general area. The property is located on a recreational lake with 4 1/2 miles of shore line on two penisula perfect for a lighthouse. While doing research on how to build a working lighthouse, I stumbled upon Harbour Lights. Then I discovered that we have a dealer in our city. After looking at them, I had to hold one ...well that did it! Call me HOOKED AND REEL ME IN!

For Christmas my husband got me the Lady Light series and my mother-in-law got me the society membership.
I now have a matched set/signed of the ladies and Great Lakes Stamps. Spring Break brought the 16 ornaments (so I can look at the big ones I will never be able to have), and I have accummulated 12 retired lights. No too bad for 3 months.

My pride and joy is a Hilton Head that I found at a flea market for $80. (#2056, box papers and everything perfect)

I want to get the retired Society pieces next. But if another flea market treasure pops up ... well what the heck ;-).

I am looking forward to visiting in the chat room and even am making plans for Rosemont. I think I may be becoming a junior WACKO (is that an acronym for something?)
Thanks for all the great information on this site. You have made a friend for life.
Now if I can just get to a real lighthouse, not many in the midwest and it is terribily closed minded of the coasts to keep these gems for themselves. lol

[This message has been edited by Suzee (edited 03-25-99).]