Sorry Bob, didn't realize you asked until now. My story's elsewhere in the forum in bits and pieces but will try to sumarize here. Became interested in lighthouses after watching Legendary Lighthouses on PBS. Not that I wasn't interested before, more interested, I guess would be more correct. First HL was Selkirk, Christmas gift. Now have 19, mostly LE's, some GLOWS. Collecting philosophy? 1. Have to like them. 2. Collect for personal enjoyment, future value secondary. 3. Retireds if (1.) and price is not unreasonable. Will probably never have any in the 5500 series but I don't get upset about it. If I'd discovered HL sooner..... Don't care what region I collect. Like to have some from each, different styles, colors. Think a variety makes a nice display. Have "collected" stuff for years but nothing costly. House has inherited antiques and "stuff", nothing too new. And now HLs. Was single parent for ages so got my "kicks" from rearranging all my old "stuff" instead of going in debt buying new furniture, etc. Now it's time for something nice, a little reward for all my frugality, hence the HLs. Finding one of the greatest benefits to collecting HLs is the interaction with fellow collectors.

End of story

[This message has been edited by mombo (edited 03-20-99).]