Yes, Rich, I am very please to see your post on the forum. You stay so quiet out there so much of the time, it's good to see you here. Anyway, I love your stories.

Your history gives another fascinating dimension to why people love lighthouses and why you are indeed an incurable HL sicky just like the rest of us. As you said, an illness that we hope isn't cureable. What better reason than to love lighthouses; they may have safed your life and the lifes of others you have come into contact with and having the HL's around is a great reminder of that.

Maybe St. John should create a forum just for you Rich. Let's see, it could be entitled Lighthouse Poetry - Lighthouse Experiences - Coast Guard Stories, shall I go on - now my name is Mudd with you - Right? You have such a wealth of stuff inside that mind of your's that I know is worth sharing.


PS - I haven't sent out your little goody from the reunion yet - I will. I promise. I guess I'll just have to add something else for being late.