I believe that the smoke-free thing is way over played. I don't smoke and haven't for 29 years, but, it wouldn't matter to me at all if I had a chance to buy a piece for my collection that I wanted if the person smoked or not. I have many in my collection right now that came from smokers and their is no odor left on either the box or piece. As far as I'm concerned their is no difference between smoking and cooking. Cooking will build up a residue of grease over a period of time also.

Chuck, burn your fireplace all you want and stay warm because if someone wants to buy your collection when you give it all up, they won't care whether your burned wood, smoked or cooked french fries right underneath your "gold" lighthouse. All they're going to be interested in is "how much" and what do you charge for "shipping". All kidding aside, I think that smoking in a lot of people's mind is the thing they are worried about and having a fireplace is not even brought into mind.

Keep warm and watch the Super Bowl.

Rich cool
