Seeing the Rubicon Point name made me wonder. Reading the article confirmed my thoughts. There is a very long running event, the Jeep Jamboree, that departs Georgetown, CA and heads across the Rubicon Trail to Rubicon Springs. After a couple nights there, it heads to the end point of South Lake Tahoe. Some really great memories! A number of years later I was at a conference in South Lake Tahoe. We had a free afternoon so a number of us took the tour boat out around the lake. I had gotten into lighthouses by then and had found information about the Rubicon Point Lighthouse. Memory says we were able to find it. Finding those off-the-beaten-path treasures is always fun. I remember when we were in Savannah looking for the The Old Harbor Light. Took a couple laps around the park to find it. Just like the old days of searching for that special Harbour Light you needed for your collection. The thrill of the hunt.

Thanks for the link, Rick.