With our newly redesigned website up and running, one of the things I have been wanting to accomplish is to provide more info about HL collecting to our customers. Many collectors today don't know much about Harbour Lights and what it is they really have gotten into. Let's face it, Harbour Lights can be very intimidating to new collectors (and even many old collectors).
To provide some insight into the world of Harbour Lights, I have begun a new feature on The Cape Cod Store.com website called "HL Tutorials". I will be periodically adding subjects and "lessons" concerning Harbour Lights collecting. It is easy to find right on the main navigation menu. The first installment is pretty much "Harbour Lights 101" and is entitled "THE MANY CATEGORIES OF HARBOUR LIGHTS".If you'd like to take a look at it, here is a link...


If anyone has any suggestions or comments about this or any future posts I'd welcome them with open arms.

Roland Babineau
The only true Harbour Lights dealer left in the world and the ONLY retailer in the world authorized to sell Harry Hine's lighthouse collectible line!