Isle Royal will not be coming out this year. COVID, and a few other things, (but especially COVID) has really screwed up everything. With Harry still making Toledo Harbor lenses and Barbers Point himself in his workshop with no other choice of manufacturing facilities at present, development and especially production logistics are very, very difficult in these trying times. The pandemic has taken its toll financially as well and the cost of developing the new lighthouse is beyond the means at present. I know Harry is doggedly working on the line and refuses to let it go. He is determined to make this line succeed and give you loyal lighthouse lovers and collectors something to look forward to.
If you haven't purchased Rock Island, Palmer Island, or Barbers Point as of yet, it would be a great time now to do it if you can. The financial stimulus would be much welcome! Get yours now at or at

Roland Babineau
The only true Harbour Lights dealer left in the world and the ONLY retailer in the world authorized to sell Harry Hine's lighthouse collectible line!