Hi all,
Eric from the Florida Keys Reef Lights Foundation, the auction started March 28, 2019 and is still going on, despite no bids in the last 3 months. There are 5 bidders, 2 of us have bid 2 or more times, 3 have only bid once. The bid right now is $24,000. Bidders are assigned a number, so we don't know who we are bidding against. I was told that the GSA the auction normally goes about 2 months, but now it is over 6 months....can't figure out why? We are waiting for the deadline to be announced before we bid again. The delay did help us some in the beginning, but no donations lately. Tired of checking the bid, but they don't send you a message when you have been outbid. In another part of the country they have had 3 lighthouses go to auction after Sand Key and they have all ended.

Eric, Florida Keys Reef Lights Foundation; Godfather of Jones Point River Lighthouse; member and District Commissioner of Florida Lighthouse Association et el