Better late than never!
MaryAnn and I talk about this all the time,

Anything Dave set upto cruise the smooth sea.
We were lucky enough to spend an extra day before an after at the hotel.
Renting and riding a bike around the whole Island.
Deciding after to get a drink in bar in town at 10 am instead of a bottle of water. Interesting people at the bar at that hour?
On our return home a day after most already left on the ferry which was the ride of a lifetime on the ferry in the roughest seas Ive ever experience. At one point we thought we were in a submarie as the waves covered the windows. We actually saw many commercial fishing boats along the way as the ferry came up for.
Finding gas in Mac afterworrying wether we were going to find any at a record price.

Spending two days before any after lighthousing and bumping into friends along the way .


Last edited by rscroope; 01/08/18 09:37 AM.