Earlier tonight, I almost strangled my cat!! shocked mad I walked in the bedroom behind her and set down in front of my lighthouse display (well, one of them) and she ran under the bed. I looked at the bottom shelf and noticed the cables on my Bug Light (AKA Long Beach Bar) was not looking right. I picked it up and noticed the cables running up the boom were gone!! mad eek mad She chewed the string in two and the only part of that set-up that's left (the part hooked to the roof of the light is fine) is where it is tied to what would be the winch at the cab by about a half inch on each side and about an inch and a half at the tip of the boom. It can't be fixed as is and the scupture is fine, but I need to find out how do you find a string roughly the same and HOW do you tie it at the cab after threading it through that TIIIIIINY little eye on the boom?? confused confused

Anyone got a needle that small?? Any suggestions (about the piece and not the cat)?? wink


Health through education, for a much misguided nation!!