The following is the latest update on where Harry has been, where he is now and where Harry is going. Read and take heed for upcoming adventures in lighthousing.

The first item of business is Harry Hine has retired his first lighthouse venture which was the Jones Point, VA Lighthouse (Roland Babineau at may still have a couple available if you missed ordering one from Harry). Harry’s second venture was his Christmas Piece from Rock Island, NY selling for $95.00 + shipping. If you haven’t already bought this piece you can still purchase it by visiting Harry’s website at and placing your order. Don’t wait too long if you are interested as there are not many remaining.

The second item is the announcement that Harry Hine is now working on a special order only piece made by hand exclusively in the United States by Harry himself. It also is made almost entirely of materials from the United States. Harry is producing this item (sorry I can’t tell you yet what it is yet) on a special order only basis limited to 300 pieces maximum. Based on how many orders are received over a limited time period there may not be 300 produced. So you may keep your existing serial number from previous orders or request a random serial number provided by Harry if the ordering process does not reach your serial number range. This piece, because it is going to be a special order only piece, will not require you to purchase it in order to retain your current serial number assigned to you from previous orders. The price of this piece will be $200.00 plus approximately $20.00 shipping charges, but, worth every cent. More details and pictures to follow when the official announcement is made very shortly.

The third item to update you on is Harry’s next lighthouse venture. Harry is currently trying to decide what lighthouse to do next and is torn between 3 lighthouses. He is working on preliminary drawings for all three lighthouses and is thinking about presenting the 3 lighthouses to collectors and letting them make the choice on which one to produce for his next lighthouse. Again, this will be happening very shortly since he wants the decision made so he can start production as soon as possible. Stay tuned for more information on this election of a lighthouse.
