I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and now for the news everyone that is still collecting lighthouses is waiting for. Harry Hine just returned from England where he has been since receiving news of his parents failing health in November, I believe. The production of his first lighthouse was delayed because of these health issues. His mother just recently passed away just before Christmas and his father recently had a heart attack. During this time the manufacturer from China contacted Harry but Harry asked the manufacturer to put the production pieces on hold until a later date. Harry is now working with the manufacturer in China (same as Harbour Lights manufacturer) to produce his first ever lighthouse that he has total control over. He still is waiting for the delivery schedule and he will be working on pricing and ordering instructions over the next month. In the next month or so he will be furnishing me the information when he has it all worked out and then I will be passing it on to you. What I do know for sure is what the first issue will be (extremely well detailed as I have seen pictures of the Paint Master) and that the first issue should be a limited edition of 300 pieces. Harry is planning at this time on having collectors order directly from him, but, that could change.

I will keep you updated on any new information that I receive.
