Daniel - I have always had positive thinking about the Forums and have always thought that when push-came-to-shove the Forums members would come through. Now I'm starting to think the other way.

The volumes that I'm putting together are a way to save the information that you are talking about, but, with 80+ collectors requesting these volumes I have only had 4-5 members that are willing to answer my requests for information. That's a pretty poor percentage. This leads me to believe that maybe Mombo might be right with the idea to let the Forums die. The majority of the members feel the other person will help or that they don't have the time or that if they bury their heads in the sand that everything will be ok.

If you want to really see if you get support from the members and non-members then the people that really want to help will help by buying the Wisconsin Points that we have left. If this happens and we can support the Forums for another year it may give us the time to put together a real plan. Just asking for donations will not support the Forums since collectors are not paying attention to the situation we are in. I personally sent an email to the 80+ members telling them of the future of the Forums and how buying another set of WPs would help fund the Forums for almost a month and only got 1, I REPEAT, 1 response.

Everything you said above in you 5 items is or will be true except for item #1 as 90% of the information hidden somewhere in the Forums has been documented. Items #2 thru #5 is yet to happen but will happen if the heads are not removed from the sand.

I'm not contradicting your post or anything that you say, but, there is not the support or fellowship we had on the Forums during the heyday of Harbour Lights. Most of the "HURRAHS" back then were older collectors and collectors looking for an investment to pass on. The Lighthouse Fad has passed and with it the support that we need to keep the Forums solvent. The only chance we have in the immediate future is to sell the unused Wisconsin Points that are sitting at Dave's house.
