To those of you that have provided me your top 15 lighthouse list, please disregard this email. For those of you that have procrastinated, there are only 5 days to go to the cutoff date! There are several that responded in an email that they would work on the list this past weekend and give me their list. This is a reminder to them in case they forgot. There is also time for those that haven't furnished their list to send it to me by the 31st. It only takes a few minutes of your time to list the lighthouses and YOU could make a difference in what is chosen. There have been 167 lighthouses nominated with 12 having a safe lead and will more than likely be chosen. There are also 8 lighthouses tied with votes to fill the remaining 3 places. Your vote could make a difference on which of these lighthouses are chosen straight out. If none of the 8 have enough votes to be chosen for the remaining 3 lighthouses, then I am thinking about a run-off vote between these 8 lighthouses.

Forum and Non-Forum members are welcome to send me their list. If you haven't requested the latest 6 Volume Edition of MY COMPLETE GUIDE TO HARBOUR LIGHTS LIGHTHOUSES, now is the time to do so when you are sending me your top 15 favorite REAL lighthouses that Harbour Lights has made a limited edition replica of.

While you are reading this, there is also time to send me your Harbour Lights story, a story about your lighthouse adventures or a story about your favorite lighthouse to be included in the late spring edition of Volume 6. I also need input from collectors that have received the volumes with any corrections, typos or additional information that needs to be added. These volumes will be around long after most of us are gone and they will be valuable to any new collectors getting started and they need to be as accurate as possible.
