The 20th Anniversary Alaskan Replica Set for $94.00The word "replica" makes me wonder if these are any different from the pieces that were distributed to the reunion attendee's, does anyone know if there is a difference.

I have seen the word “replica” used before by Lighthouse depot, meaning Replica of the actual lighthouse. Note that also on their site, the little lights of mine are called “Little Light Replicas”

Mark as far as I know these are of the same group of lighthouses that was produced for the reunion. The only difference of these lighthouses and the one offered at the reunion are they are higher numbers and probably not signed.

Lighthouse Depot claims only an edition of 360 and reading between the lines I came up with only around 175 of them sold at the reunion. (Tony said only 45% to 50% of the reunion people were HL collectors). This would leave around 185 not sold.

Now the Standard minimum for ordering HL figurines from the manufacturer has always been 500. So if they just did a small order of 360, I am sure these pieces were very expensive.

That is why lighthouse depot started to sell Reunion pieces right after the reunion. It was to recover their unexpected losses.