At the luncheon we had on Saturday 4/29/12, Bill brought along a few of his Harbour Lights. He wanted to get our reaction to an idea he is thinking about that would raise funds for a favorite charity which he and Nancy support.

It is "Operation Smile" which provides free cleft palate operations for children in the US and around the world. The cost of one operation is just $250.

It's Bill's idea that if a collector would make a donation of $250 to Operation Smile, they could redeem their donation receipt for a #1 limited edition from among Bill's collection.

He brought along a few samples including #1 St. Augustine Limited Edition, a #1 Traverse City Limited Edition, and a Paint Sample of the limited edition Pensacola FL.

At least for the first 90 days of this offer, each collector would be limited to one each from this collection which Bill estimates to include a minimum of 200 #1 or Paint Samples. After 90 days, any one could buy any number of pieces at the same rate of one each for each $250 donation to Operation Smile.

You would, of course, receive a donation receipt from Operation Smile which, depending on your tax situation, could be taken as a tax deduction.

Bill is looking for YOUR reaction to this idea. Please take a minute to indicate your interest and ideas in this fund-raising idea effort.

Bill mentioned this offer would exclude his #1 Coquille and #1 Cape Hatteras. He said he recently turned down an offer on the later of $2,500.