Two years ago, we had three dealers in our area, and two more in Crescent City 90 miles North of here. Now my dealer is the only one left on the coast between San Francisco and the Oregon border. I love HL's, but I think they need drastic steps and to start finding new dealers.

My dealer has a very small shop and there isn't a lot of excess shelf space. I hope HL finds the right balance soon. As far as GLOW's affecting the sale of LE's. You betcha they do. I own mostly LE's, but given Secondary Market prices, I now have three GLOW's. Hilton, St. Simon's and Coquille. Unless I win the lottery, I have no plans to buy LE's for several hundred or thousands of dollars when I can get a more detailed version for fifty bucks. Mom raised ugly kids, not fools.

Good luck Harbour Lights.

