
Many of us saw this coming but just didn't want to admit it. There are others that still don't want to believe that the game has ended. I myself would have been glad to have it end several years ago when the prices started going up and the lighthouses produced were starting to lean toward the Cherly Spencer Collin "pretty" pieces. I never noticed the quality going down myself since I started way back in time I only noticed the quality improving. I personally like the old pieces in the 5500 edition range but I think I'm in the minority. Since I don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on new pieces I have started concentrating on getting all the variations of the original 38 pieces and a few pieces (like a gold piece which I have never won) and some of the AP and Paint Masters. I've been very lucky in my goal for the first 38 variations but am still missing the 2 "biggies" which are HL102 Original Cape Hatteras with a "Dark Green Ball" and a Californian made HL111 Coquille River. Eventually they will come my way but the hunt is always the fun part.

One other reason that I'm not upset with HLs giving up the "ghost" is that I display all 747 pieces of my collection and it was either to continue buying and storing in the closet or buy another curio with absolutely no place to put it.

Have agreat day and please continue to post when you feel like it. There are very few left on the Forums that post since most of them still visit but I'm told they communicate on Facebook and that is something I will never do.
