I think the early HL lighthouses have character and I like that. The later ones got more 'beautiful' but are they really more beautiful compared to all the blood, sweat and tears so to speak that went into the early productions. Even though I wasn't involved with Harbour Lights at that time when I read the stories I can 'feel' the energy and life that went into their production. I have seen a coquille but I have never seen a HL 102. I have a coquille 427 and it sits where I see it often and it is beautiful and brings back lots of memories as I have been to it several times, climbed it, and sat with a friend and ate a picnic lunch in the sea grass close by. I do have a rare Burrows Island and I do enjoy remembering all I went through to finally end up with it. I like to hear stories of how someone ended up with a certain piece.