Looking for a possible buyer?

Check out http://www.authenticmodels.com. Nautical product line, attention to detail, but their products are VERY expensive.

The problem facing any potential buyer: the number 1 seller of the line seems to be in financial trouble.

I suspect that when Don bought HL in 2006, no money changed hands. The Youngers probably got a percentage of sales from the inventory and from the future products for some limited number of years.

That could be the terms of sale now, if a buyer were to step forward.

The top asset? Harry Hines.

Problem assets? Unsold inventory (competes with new products), weak dealer network (hurt by actions of LHD), very weak number (under 100) of 'buy them all enthusiasts', and all the well known US lighthouses have already been made. (And those enthusiasts don't have any more display space.)

And oh, Yes --- the miserable state of the economy world-wide. who has any disposable income???