Well, so am I. Feeling disconnected. But, I think for the most part the feeling is self-inflicted.

It seems that the HL community has migrated, again. Years ago, when the Internet was a baby, Harbour Lights collectors began to find each other through the AOL chat rooms. Great fun, lots of good conversation.

Then, as the Internet became a precocious teenager, groups set out on their own, with dedicated web sites and chat rooms that had grown up into Forums, like this one. The advantage was (is?) that the Fora are here all the time. Stop by when you like, read, post, see what's happening.

My thanks to the many folks (John in particular, who got things rolling) who put so much time into making these Fora something that provided so much to so many Harbour Lights collectors. It's been a great source of camaraderie and information for many years.

Now, the Internet is in maybe middle age, and there are more ways to get together and share interests. Like Facebook, which is where I suspect the HL collector community has migrated to.

Oh, folks still go 'home' again, to see what's happening. But the real action is over at the new house. And that's okay. Life goes on and there's nothing stopping me (or anyone else) from knocking on the door at the new hot spot in town and asking to come in.

After all, we hear lots of good things about the new place. Lots of things happening there. Lots of things to do. But it's hard to just 'stop by' and see what all those things are. You have to have a key. No lurking allowed. And I hear that it's a lot like the Hotel California, check in any time you like, but you can never leave. At least, not without leaving some of your 'things' behind. Like who you converse with, what doors you peek behind, when you come and go, etc.

Not that things like that cannot be garnered from the Forum software. But I don't sense a profit motivation for that sort of information here on the forums. But I'm pretty sure that is what drives FB. Connect the dots, and sell the trail.

So, I understand and appreciate that the community we've all known has morphed again. Off to Facebook. And maybe someday I'll apply for a FB key. But for a pretty private person, that 'never leave' part is tough to get past.

Probably I'm just being an old fuddy-duddy. But while I'm stewing on it, ya'll have a great time over there and don't forget to visit the old stomping grounds once in a while. Post something so we know you were here.
