My number are just my approximate numbers sold based on past reunions where 500 - 700 attendees were present. I believe that the below number of attendees and pieces produced are approximate and please correct me if I'm wrong:

New Point Loma - 600 attendees with 950 lights produced
Rose Island - 500 attendees with 700 lights produced
Hoopers Strait - 700 attendees with 900 lights produced
Waugoshance - 600 attendees with 900 lights produced

So, if approximately 300 attendees (with familly and kids) attended this reunion and there were 360 lights produced, I calculate based on the past numbers that 150+ light sets were sold. This calculation is also based on the secondary market, the fact that there were 3 lighthoues to buy instead of only one and the state of the current economy. I would also venture to guess that only 1/4 of the collectors (75) bought more then 1 set and that 1/3 (100) of the collectors bought 1 set. That's how I came up with 150+ sets out of 360 being sold. All this is conjecture on my part based on the number of autoship collectors left, the number of Wisconsin Points ($60.00 instead of $340.00) that are left and the number of serious collectors left based on edition sizes (1200) of newly produced lighthouses.

If your truly interested in what the actual number of sales were, email Tony or Don and ask them. You should also email Don and ask him why the decision was made to sell to the general public or call 1-800-365-1219 because I truly believe Tony had no say so in this decision.
