May 18 - Icy Strait Point

We were to anchor. The ship information said there was 95 feet of water, but we did appear to be anchored. The Oceana Regatta was also there some way from along the shore.

We ate breakfast in the the dining room this morning - service is getting faster.

Anyway, this was a tender port, and there was to be a procedure for the tenders. Our excursion (whale watching) was to meet on shore, so we were to go to the Wajang Theatre for our tender tickets. We were to allow half an hour for the tender trip, and we were to be on the dock by 10:05. But they said we might have a delay getting a tender if we waited until 9 am, so we went as soon as we finished breakfast.

They said we didn't need tender tickets then but it was drizzling ashore. Bob was wearing his foulie raincoat, but yesterday when I wore mine, I got black stuff all over my wrists because the inner cuffs were disintegrating, so I was just wearing my pink coat. But it didn't matter as it didn't rain on us - it was just overcast.

The very hardest part of this excursion was going down the steps to the tender and climbing the ramp to the dock.

We sat around a little bit and Bob walked through the museum. Then we got on the excursion boat to do whale watching. We saw quite a few whales, but I stopped even trying to get photos because they were so far from us and they were on the surface for so short of time that I couldn't get the camera focused in time.

Piece of whale baleen

They were 'lunching' sort of near the surface - the fish were shallower because it was overcast.

Some people saw a bald eagle, but I didn't because I was looking at the wrong island. I did get a picture of a couple of puffins.

On the way back, we saw the zip line,

and after we got back we walked out to the cemetery and took some photos.