Originally Posted By: Angels Gate
I liked the suggestion someone made that Bill buys the company back and Tony, John, and a few others run it for him.

Whoa there.... I don't think anyone suggested I have anything to do with running Harbour Lights. I think it was Tony and Harry's names that were brought up.

These are moot points, anyway. The company's not for sale so far as we know. Bill would NOT be interested in buying it back, even if it were.

The primary value of the company are in:

1. the quality of its products
2. the network of artists, producers and dealer network
3. The customer base (declining significantly since the peak, but loyal)

The problems:

1. Declining number of dealers
2. Possible declining interests in lighthouses in general
3. All the well-known ones have been made (some more than once)
4. Increasing production costs leading to increasing prices and smaller sizes
5. Aging collector base with shrinking room for displaying new products and
6. The #?%+= economy. Who has "disposable income" anymore?

Harbour Lights is not a 'luxury product' that appeals to the super-rich -- think watches that cost thousands, etc.