Roland, I have feared for as long as I have been buying Harbour Lights, that they are ruining their own business by yanking the rug from under their dealers. I worked for EARTHCRAFT years ago when the founder/owner did the same thing to his chain of unique gift stores in Southern California Malls, by undercutting his artist/suppliers. I believe that without dealers, Harbour Lights will suffer, and while the prospect of losing me as a collector will not have them shaking in their boots, they should realize that what one person is voicing, many more are quietly thinking. To me, it seems rash to irritate the 'old folks' too much if you are in the collectibles game, as we retirees are the ones with more disposable income (generally speaking)than those still raising families.
It would make me sad to think you got 'caught' in any way, Roland, by being a great dealer for this company. I liked the suggestion someone made that Bill buys the company back and Tony, John, and a few others run it for him.

Angels Gate