SNEAKY, SNEAKY, SNEAKY! Are you a Sirius/XM Satellite Radio Subscriber? Did you notice the "Invoicing Fee" charge of two dollars? Yes, they are now charging you two bucks to send you the bill. My bride called them and told them that was a SNEAKY thing to do. She further advised them to drop the "Invoicing Fee" or we would cancel our three cars that we always pay a year in advance. They dropped the fee.

Just think, twenty million subscribers at two bucks each equals forty million bucks in their pockets. Sirius/XM, if you need the money that bad, raise your rates and don't get SNEAKY and try to slip a phony charge by your customers. We understood the "royalty fee" increase last year, but charging us $2 to receive a bill is not good business with your faithful customers.


Last edited by Bob M; 12/29/10 12:53 PM.