One of the powers that be (John C.) has imported the file I typed and says this link will get you to the file.

I just tested it and it works--much simpler than my copying it and mailing it to you. I will mail you a copy if you send me a catalog-size mailing self-addressed envelope with postage of $1.85. The file is 39 pages long. (I don't know why the PDF file converted to 55 pages.)

Please check the list before you place your "find" here to avoid duplications. The list was compiled from HL's archives, postings to CF, and those that I've found. Any mistakes are solely mine.

My plan is to keep track of what is posted here and revise the initial file from time-to-time and send the revised version to John. Soooo, get your magnifying glass out, locate the seahorse on each piece not listed, and post your comments here. . . .