I'm awaiting receipt of a shipment of a new book I've published using the same printer who printed the Official Harbour Lights Collectors Guide.

If you or anyone you know is looking for printing books in quantity, please contact me for pricing.

Depending on the type of binding and number of pages, the minimum quantity may be 250 copies. The price will vary depending on size of book, number of pages, type of binding, color vs. black and white etc.

I can get a printing quote within 2-3 days. Production includes a full color bound proof and usually takes about 45 days from submission of the book until delivery of the order.

The book I'm awaiting now is a 100 pages 8.5x11 four color soft cover with wire-o binding. It is a history/cook book for a beloved 60 year old Methodist Camp on the top of a 7,700 foot mountain in Arizona.

It includes over 120 of my photographs taken at the scenic camp. A small group of us donated our services to write, design and market the book. A donor family paid for the printing. The book price is $20 -- all of the income from sales goes to scholarships for youth and kids to attend the camp. We expect to raise $30,000 for this fund through sales.