There is an attempted approximation of the inundation of one of the four lighthouses destroyed in the 1883 eruption in "Krakatoa East [sic] of Java." Actually, for those who enjoy models of vanished lighthouses [and let's not get into THAT controversy again], a HL version of the lighthouse [okay, swept over by a humongous wave] might be nice. There are fine color illustrations of the lighthouses in the book:

"Krakatau, 1883--the volcanic eruption and its effects" / [edited by] Tom Simkin and Richard S. Fiske ; with the collaboration of Sarah Melcher and Elizabeth Nielsen.
Published: Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press, 1983.

There is a sizable group of films that employ fictional lighthouses as elements in their plots or mood setters, i.e.: "Portrait of Jennie," "Day of the Triffids," "Beast from 20,000 Fathoms," "Light[house] at the End of the World," etc.

The fascinating and telling thing is that the majority of lighthouse representations in films tend to tilt toward the sinister, unsettling, or downright malevolent! Rare is the Thomas Kinkaidian image of benevolent, radiant peace and salvation.
