While some of us are looking at a $129 lens, (most expensive HL except for Navesink?) and seeing a $275 price for the combo.

Have you been to a furniture or lamp store lately looking at table lamps? There may be $29 versions, but there are designer lights that cost way more than $275. If you've been shopping at Wal-Mart or Target for a table lamp, you're not looking at comparable products.

I've not seen this lamp in person and it wouldn't fit the decor of my home, but for the person with a beach, lake or home near any water who wants to create this kind of theme, it's a moderately priced product. IMHO, of course.

Now let's talk about what may be the very first "Harbour Lights Home" product:

See it even says "Harbour Lights" on the bottom:

Not nearly as nice a design as the one Harry did for the new dinnerware line.