Analyzing for fun the amount of artist proofs listed by Lighthouse depot.

Analyzing the data submitted by Lighthouse depot I think we can tell just by the number of Artist Proofs left over which lighthouses were popular and which one are not.
Ya,Ya. It may be some of these where just lost better than others but if we assume they were all in the same corner and at some time they were used for whatever artist proofs are used for, we can take the number of AP left and sort the popularity of each of these lighthouses. Remember these AP’s plus much more where already offered to the public just weeks before. This is what’s left from a pre-sale.

I noticed looking over the list of AP’s that those that had only a few left (like Galveston Jetty and Pass A Loutre) were the ones I wanted while the ones that I did not care about or were just too expensive (like Barking Rocks and Sankaty) had a lot still available.

Look at the list below and see if you agree. Yes maybe some were used up for certain events like the Cedar Point, but in general I think this list reflects the sales of these lighthouses in general. I also think this list shows us that the certain unusual lights that maybe not popular in real life maybe popular as a figurine. The Galveston Jetty AP is now sold out and all of the Founder collections of the Galveston sold out also. This light was destroyed by a hurricane in 2000 and in my opinion not a very popular lighthouse but it is a well-loved HL figurine.

The Sullivan Light is another one that shows us information. It is probably one of the best looking lighthouses on the list, but there were still 7 available. This shows me that lights that exist in past are forgotten and are not as popular as those that have been around in our lifetime. This range light has been gone since 1901 and unheard of by most.

If I was going to grade the following lights by which ones were my favorites with 1 being my favorite and 14 being my least I think I would generally follow the list below.
Except for Port Washington being one. Does anyone else agree or do I have an over active imagination?


2 Galveston Jetty
2 Point Sur
5 Lime Kiln
5 Point Fermin
7 Sullivan Island
7 Gibbs Hill
2 Isle Of Shoals
7 Point Bonita
6 Seul Choix
4 Annisquam
4 Sodus Point
4 New London
6 Braddock Point
7 Point No Point
1 Cedar Point
5 Wind Mill Point
3 Bristol Ferry
2 South Haven
9 Pottawatomie
7 Ludlum Beach
4 Cape San Blas
4 Point Vicente
11 Bishop & Clerk
12 Sankaty On The Move
2 Harbor Of Refuge
3 Buffalo South
2 Pass A Loutre
1 Port Washington
3 Franks Island
8 Charlotte Genesee
13 Wind Point
11 Chicago Harbor
7 Toledo Harbor
5 Bass Harbor
6 Whitefish Point
10 Biloxi
11 Stonington Harbor
13 Baltimore
3 Scituate
6 Admiralty Regional
3 St Augustine Lens
14 Barking Rocks
11 Perkins Island
8 Red Hull Mackinaw

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