If they are "NEW" releases I will buy. If they are "New" releases or as I refer to them "remakes of oldies but goodies", no thanks. I understand why remakes of certain lighthouses are made and that's to do with the gift shops in these popular areas, ie. Portland Head, Cape Hatteras, St. Augustine etc. Would not making lighthouses with low edition numbers make more sense? Take a look at Grand Isle East Channel- 1500 edition and more likely approaching retired status. Popularity has much to do with a HL being remade and it's just for this reason I surrendered my autoship #. Do I really need 6 Cape Hatteras or 5 St. Auggies? Space and money do dictate need as does common sense for me. Let's hear it for the "newbies", Ponham Rocks, Thatcher's Island etc. If a HL "floats my boat" I buy it. What state it's located in is irrelevant. What is relevant is uniqueness.