Calm down Paul and you certainly are entitled to your own opinion. However, I have my opinion and ideas also and this was a project that I wanted to try. I enjoy repairing and having fun with my lighthouses and don't just look at them. What good is having a hobby if all your going to do is pass them on and not enjoy them. I handle them, look at them, move them around and let others look at and handle them. I also never referred to this as a VARIARION so get that out of your mind. It is a modification that was performed on a lighthouse that I PAID for and one that wasn't given to me by Harbour Lights or Harry so I do not think of this as destroying or tampering with the Holy Grail. It's just a plaster lighthouse and nothing more and if I felt like destroying it's value, so be it. It was worth the cost of the piece to prove I could do it. With that said I will consider this debate closed.

I merely posted to let other collectors know if they were interested I would gladly do it for them as a favor.
