The EagELL has landed!

I just came home to find ELL No. 113 sitting in the garage. I ran (well, walked carefully at the fastest safe speed possible) inside, and tore (well, cut carefully with a knife) the box open.

It's INCREDIBLE. I've set it up, with the flag (which doesn't look that bad, and if I think it does, I can take it out). It looks great with my Sea Girt and Bailey's Harbor. I just sit and grin at it every time I see it.

It's really incredible the high quality of it, for the price. I know that HLs are always extremely detailed and all, but I wasn't expecting it to be this detailed. Maybe it's the progression of casting technologies or something, but it just looks GREAT!

Thanks to ALL who got this to happen! The results are incredible, and I think that it's something we can ALL be proud of. If it wasn't for the support of the entire group, we may have never been able to get this project off the ground. And, of course, a special thank you to the Committee, who worked especially hard to co-ordinate everything.