Robert and I attended "Winter Lights" at Calvert Museum this past weekend, to help with the CCUSLHS table. This annual event brings lighthouse associations/organization together for public awareness.

This year there was a gingerbread lighthouse contest, and Robert and I volunteered to do the Chapter's entry, and we selected "Cove Point". Thought we would share it with you. WE WON!!!!

Note the large picture of "Cove Point" behind us on the wall. The smaller pictures are the entries in the Chapter's annual photo contest, with blue ribbons on the winners. Calvert Museum displays them every year for a few months. The wall has photos on both sides.

It took ten days to bake and construct. When we went to leave in torrential rain we discovered it would not go pass the door into the back floor of the truck. SO, we placed it in the bed of the truck, which has a snap down cover, said a few prayers that is would make the 160 miles trip from here to there. As you see it did.

Enjoy, Joyce