In the case of Cape Canaveral I would venture to guess the correct person was involved. I know the restrictions that are in place for a variety of reasons and they are significant. Frustrating to those involved, but you have to stick to the published rules or risk the chance of not being able to return. One of the restrictions at the Cape is even walking in certain areas. It is possible that the area to be viewed was in such a restricted zone.

On the food thing, it is always difficult to plan how much to bring. You don't want a bunch of wasted food, but you want everyone to eat - a delicate balance. It is also possible that some of the early diners took more than their share. I know you have seen this before - people who will take seconds, thirds and even fourths on their first pass thru the line rather than wait for everyone to eat before returning for more food. Sometimes ignorance on the part of the offender, sometimes they are just plain old selfish and rude.

There may have been a logic to the planning of the organizers why you went to the light first and then were to go to the earlier sites. The best way to address that is to sit down and put your thoughts and suggestions in writing. Put those aside for a day or so and then go back and re-read them to be sure you have politely offered comments and constructive criticism.

From the point of view of an event organizer (I have done a few...) you will get better reception if you offer constructive comments and suggestions instead of just griping about something. Anytime a person or group organizes an event they will do their best to make it an enjoyable outing for the participants. Generally they will work thru options, timing, schedules and all sorts of things trying to strike a happy medium given the situation. Trying to make the most of what they have. I am sure this is what was done by the Cape folks. I bet they are more than willing to get those suggestions and comments to help make the next outing better.