This is from an old shipmate of mine. Thought you all might enjoy it!

Twas the night before Christmas and throughout each state,
Coast Guard families were beginning to celebrate.
Then, from the white House, came an urgent call,
A crisis ongoing that would affect one and all.

The suits at the U.S. State Department were frantic,
Santa Claus had crash landed in the Atlantic!

The night was foggy and Rudolph made a blunder.
Santa, sleigh, and eight reindeer were going under.
Though the stockings were hung by the chimneys with care,
Poor Santa gurgled, “I’ll never get there.”

When what to his wondering eye should appear;
But Coast Guard assets with ready rescue gear!
The officers and crew were so lively and quick;
Sure was a lucky break for Saint Nick.

With a nod from the captain, they went right to work.
Rudolph was embarrassed, he felt like a jerk.
Poor Santa was soggy, but everyone could see,
He was very grateful to the U.S.C.G!

And we heard him exclaim as they towed him from sight,
“If it weren’t for age and weight, I’d enlist Tonight!”

-author unknown
