I think the committee should keep in mind to pick one that the majority would want to fork over money to buy.
1.First of all the list that will be presented to HL is from the Collectors forum list.

2.The committee with all their hearts wants this Lighthouse to happen and be popular. The lights we have to work with are what the forum members gave us. We also kept in mind what seemed to be popular with the forum.

3.This is a business transaction between the collector’s forum and HL. As anyone that has dealt with purchasing a car knows, you try to get the best with the money you have. The amount of money we have is the amount of buyers. I personally believe that once the collectors outside the forum find out about this one it will pull a decent secondary market return. But we need up front forum members to commit and make this happen.

4.I hate for anyone to get all hung up on which Lighthouse is made. I think the most important thing is that this light will be the collector’s forum exclusive and it needs to be supported by everyone. If possible I feel that every forum member should commit to buying at least two. As time goes on I plan on talking a lot more about it, but for now I said enough.