a thought I had when reading this thread and in talking with retailers in malls recently is that a manufacturer has to watch that they don't overextend their market with product. By this I mean that Harbour Lights has to be careful with how many lighthouses it issues each year so that the avid collector has a chance to attain each piece and the other collectors can still buy a piece that attracts their attention. A second thought is that a manufacturer doesn't go into so many different lines that they can't do justice to each one. HL has balloons, boats, lighthouses; and the need is to strike a balance in producing product for each line that will attract a maximum of return. I collect mostly the lighthouses, but I watch the boats and balloons to see if there is something that is interesting to me. However, I also have a limited amount of capital and need to watch how many pieces of any kind I purchase. I have to prioritize my purchases. That's why I am interested in the Chesepeake but have not yet bought one.

good friends mean good times