Hey Bob, I have a question: Could you send some of that money my way? LOL

In regards to dealers discounting HL's, I have seen a local dealer drop the HL line, selling off inventory at a 50% discount. They then began selling CSC lighthouses, only to drop that line about 8 months later and sell off that inventory at 50% off.

I don't think it is unhealthy for the HL line. It is just a matter of economics for the dealers. If you are not making money on something, it is time to try something else. IMHO, I don't think this is a widespread issue. Some dealers just come and go.

In the interim, it is a bonus to HL collectors who purchase pieces at a sometimes substantial discount and add to their collections. Who knows, maybe someone who wouldn't have otherwise purchased a Harbour Light, will buy one because it is discounted and become hooked, buying more pieces at retail, thus causing more retirements, thus creating more wacko's, ect...
