Thanks for the confirmation and clarificaton Dennis. When you break down the numbers it does look pricey, but given the location, 3 squares a day, the boat trips and "party favors" and other possible extras, and since I have never been to a reunion, it is well worth the $$ to me. Of course it has helped my pocketbook a great deal to have found a roommate and I only have to pay for myself. I've been checking airline prices though and they "ain't gonna be" cheap, but I've got a while to hopefully find a better price.

As far as the timing, I'm thinking that if the event had been held after Labor day to possibly get the lower hotel rates, then this might have prevented some folks from attending because their kids would be back in school. (Not in Douglas Cty CO though; my daugher will have been back to school for almost a month by the reunion! The first day of school this year was Aug 13. Of course, the end of the school year is before Memorial Day.)

Many, many thanks to Dave for coordinating this event and to Harbour Lights for their willingness to put on another reunion smile
