I totally agree with Rich.
The south has been avoided like the plague. As I have said in the past, 99% of Hurricanes are in August to Sept. Focus on spring, winter or late fall.
When I did my Poll for the favorite choice of cities for the South they were:
Charleston, South Carolina at first place.
Savannah, Georgia second choice.
And Jacksonville is third.

These are the Cities that HL should be looking at for a reunion. Jacksonville has not had a hurricane force winds since 1962. The coast line from St Augustine to Charleston, South Carolina is the least vulnerable when it comes to Hurricanes, Since these cites are tucked back in a cove they are usually missed by hurricanes. My personal opinion is that Charleston would be the ideal place to have a reunion, then Jacksonville.
Because of Charleston’s central location and it being a Historical City I feel that it would be one of the few cities that would attract enough people to satisfy the 400 quota.

Oh Ya
like Rich said central Florida has alot to offer too. laugh