And I ask this question to you Tony for ALL the Florida collectors that belong to these Forums( I believe there are between 15-20 at this time) and that is: WHY NOT FLORIDA??? WHY IS IT NOT PRACTICAL??? There is plenty to do(lighthouse and non-lighthouse related). The hotels and facilities can host a Super Bowl, Spring Brake, Daytona 500, Disney World, etc. so why not 500 to 1000 Wackos? The weather is beautiful, with no hurricanes, November thru March with much more reasonable prices then the last reunion facility in the Great Lakes. Transportation is readily available with car rentals and airports. Disney World, Sea World, Beaches galore, Cape Canaveral and many many lighthouses for side trips. Convention Centers are huge, hotels are huge, food is cheap and the final reason to my argument is: We've never had one in the south(California, Great Lakes, New England and Maryland so far. And don't tell me that Baltimore is in the south because they don't even know how to serve iced tea and real open pit barbeque. I should know because I lived in that area for 8 years. So, I ask this question again: WHAT IS WRONG WITH FLORIDA OR CHARLESTON, OR SAVANNAH OR ANY PLACE SOUTH OF NORTH CAROLINA??????? When someone can give me an answer to my above questions I will stop asking, but, to date no one can answer these questions whith a definative reason. If Harbour Lights wants to attract more collectors, then hold the Reunion during the Lighthouse festivities in St. Augustine during March and advertise to all collectors. This should bring out the collectors from the snow belts and the Snow Birds that are raking in the sun and warm weather.
