OK maybe not another full reunion, but how about at least an official wacko gathering for next year. I was talking with the folks on the chat last night about how much I had missed by not going to this year's event and how they were going through Wacko withdrawal already. We discussed the possibility of taking an existing event next year and hijacking it for our own purposes to make it the official wacko gathering of 2006. Maybe Kim could be persuaded to have a regional where we (Dave) could use as the basis for our event and plan from there. Maybe we could do the west coast somewhere so Fred doesn't have to drive as far. We have done events at Navy Pier, at Rosemont, other collector shows, regionals, reunions, Door County, and about any other lighthouse gathering that you could think of. So, lets pick an event or suggest a new one and do the wacko thing among great friends with enough time for everyone to plan to attend. Kim likes to partner with other groups and we are the best group that I know of, so let's see what everyone thinks!