Ruthie, I totally agree with you!

It would also be nice if this is corrected by HL's that they also correct the mis-spelled word "REUHION" be correctly spelled REUNION.
I don't normally complain about anything that HL does. And I understand that mastakes happen. But I am not happy with the misspelling, and I think that if they are going to recall all the pieces and reissue that they should correct the spelling while they are at it!

After all this is a very special piece and HL goes to the extremes to make sure that every piece is correct in every way. They should also make sure that the spelling is correct too. This piece is one very special to me, one that I can say "I was there". But I was at the Reunion, not at Reuhion. frown

Though I suspect that it's too late already to correct. Because as I understand it the replacements are already on the way.


God may have created man before woman,
but there is always a rough draft before the masterpiece.