This past week I was able to see three lighthouse; El Morro, in San Juan, P.R., Hog Island, in Nassau, Bahamas, and Jupiter Inlet in Florida. The first two I have seen several times but it was my first visit to Jupiter.

On Saturday morning, March 4, we rented a car in Miami and drove to Jupiter. The lighthouse was supposed to be open from 10-5pm. We arrived there at 11:00. Unfortunately, this past Saturday was the day they decided to move the historical society gift shop that runs the lighthouse to a new building that is now in front of the lighthouse. It was a little crazy there with all the boxes being moved and no one willing to do tours of the lighthouse.

I asked if I could just go up by the lighthouse without taking a tour to just take a few pictures. The answer was NO. The lighthouse is on Coast Guard property and is surrouded by a locked gate and chain link fence. I talked with one of the docents and explained the we had a flight to catch out of Ft. Lauderdale at 5pm. I was told to go get some lunch and come back by 1pm and maybe they could take tours out at that time. make a long story short...I sat around and waited and was finally able to get out to climb the lighthouse by 1:45pm. I hurried and climbed the tower, took a few pics and told the docent that we had to leave for the airport. The tour is supposed to be about 45 minutes and it's not easy to leave the tour early because they lock the gates once you get inside.

I'm sure it will be better once they get settled in to their new building. Here's a couple of pics from Jupiter. BTW...I was using a new camera and didn't know the date and time were imprinting on the pictures. confused